Checker Network Terms & Conditions
The following information governs your use of the Checker Program, formerly known as the Filecoin Station Program, this Checker website, this webpage, the Checker App formerly known as the Filecoin Station App, the Checker software formerly known as the Filecoin Station software, and the self-hosted user-generated Checker Wallet formerly known as the Filecoin Station Wallet (collectively, the “Services”). Please read these terms and conditions (the “Terms”) carefully before you start to use the Services. By using the Services, you accept and agree to the Terms.
This information may be updated from time to time, and by continuing to use the Services you agree to these updates.
Checker Program payouts
The Checker Program is an experimental, discretionary rewards program to develop and grow the utility of and participation in the Filecoin network – this is not a competition. The Services may be altered at any time, and there is no guarantee that your participation in the Checker Program will result in any reward(s). If you accrue token rewards due to your participation in the Checker Program, you will be able to track the rewards associated with your participation in the program within the Checker App and you will earn these funds when they are sent to your Checker Wallet address at the end of each payout epoch (approximately one month). The accrued tokens will not be earned or available for withdrawal into your custody before they are sent to your Checker wallet address. The funds will be sent to your Checker Wallet address only if you have accrued enough funds during your participation in the program since the last payout or since you created your self-hosted user-generated Checker Wallet. Once the funds have been sent to your Checker Wallet, they are entirely in your custody and you will retain ownership and control over such funds. You may withdraw them to a destination FIL wallet address of your choosing. In using these Services, you represent and warrant that you are not the target of economic or financial sanctions imposed, administered or enforced by United States of America (the "U.S."), the European Union (the "E.U."), the United Kingdom (the "U.K.") or the Cayman Islands (i.e. a “Sanctioned Person”). You represent that you are not named on, owned, controlled by or acting on behalf of any party named on any sanctions-related list of designated persons maintained by the U.S., the E.U., the U.K. or the Cayman Islands (i.e. a “Sanctioned Country”). You acknowledge that due to our obligations under the applicable sanctions laws and regulations, we may conduct, and reserve the right to conduct, sanctions checks on you and your destination wallet address.
The Checker Program has no custody or control over your user-generated Checker Wallet. You may provide a destination FIL wallet address to withdraw from your self-hosted Checker Wallet any rewards or payouts transferred to your self-hosted Checker Wallet. You forfeit your payout if you do not comply with the rules and requirements of the Services. If you transfer funds from your self-hosted Checker Wallet to a destination wallet that you do not control, you will lose control of those funds. If you become eligible for a reward or payout related to using the Services, you may need to provide additional information and/or agree to additional terms and conditions.
The prices of blockchain assets can be volatile. By participating in the Services, you accept all risk of price volatility. If you are eligible for rewards or payouts, the value of your reward or payout might vary based on the time of transfer (i.e., the end of the payout epoch - approximately one month). All Checker Program payouts/rewards are provided “AS IS,” without any offer of warranty or guarantee, either express or implied (including quality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose).
You are responsible for any expenses that may become due because of participation in the Services, including in connection with accepting or receiving a reward such as, for example, the gas fee incurred by the smart contract for transferring funds to your Checker Wallet at the end of each payout epoch which will be deducted from your accrued rewards at time of transfer to your self-hosted Checker Wallet. Your receipt and use of any reward payout from the Services may have significant tax consequences, and you are solely responsible for any taxes due as a result of any reward / payout. You acknowledge that taxes may be withheld from some rewards or payouts and that any payouts you receive under the Services may be reported to the relevant tax authorities. You also acknowledge that you may be required to provide additional information if you choose to request a copy of any applicable documentation related to any such tax withholding, rewards or payout information that is reported to the relevant tax authorities. We may also request information about you in connection with our legal, regulatory and tax obligations. You also acknowledge that it’s your obligation, if you so desire, to seek independent counsel to determine the full extent of your tax liability under applicable laws and regulations. Nothing on this website or within the Services constitutes tax advice.
The offer or payout of any reward does not constitute an offer of employment or any similar legal relationship between you and any other entity.
If you are a Sanctioned Person or are located or reside in a Sanctioned Country, you may not participate in the Services and will not be eligible for any reward or payout from the Services. You agree that you will not access the Services using any technology to circumvent applicable laws, such as sanctions laws.
Self-Hosted Checker Wallet
The Checker Wallet is, at its core, a self-hosted user-generated keypair that allows you to sign transactions related to a corresponding FIL account address created by you. At the end of each payout epoch, accrued rewards will be deemed to be earned and transferred to your Checker Wallet account, provided sufficient rewards have been accrued since the last payout or since the moment you created your Checker Wallet, subject to these Terms. The Checker Wallet is created by you and is fully within your custody, ownership, control and oversight with respect to any virtual currency you receive, store or withdraw using the Checker Wallet. Your use of the Checker Wallet is at your own risk and at your sole discretion.
The Checker Wallet setup screen allows you to create your own self-hosted user-generated keypair which you may use with the Checker Program to receive your rewards. You agree that you retain custody, ownership and control of your Checker Wallet at all times, and you are solely responsible for following all laws and regulations applicable to you and your use of, or access to your Checker Wallet. Your Checker Wallet is not a tool allowing someone other than you to control your funds in order to store, transfer, transmit, broker, escrow, provide exchange services, or otherwise direct or control any virtual currency, financial instrument, or other digital asset.
You acknowledge that the prices of blockchain assets may be volatile, and accept all risk of that price volatility in using the Services. Virtual currency transactions are confirmed and recorded in a virtual currency’s associated blockchain; these networks are decentralized peer-to-peer networks supported by independent third parties and may display a public record of transactions. By using the Services, you acknowledge and agree that there may be errors, delays, or losses associated with blockchain transactions, and you accept all risk of loss as a result.
When you create your Checker Wallet, you will create a keypair, which reveals your FIL account address. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the private key of your keypair, and you are fully responsible for any and all transactions or activities occurring within your self-hosted user-generated Checker Wallet. You must keep your private key secure, or you may lose control of the funds available to your Checker Wallet, which is a risk you accept by using the Checker Wallet. You agree that you are solely responsible for any losses of blockchain assets associated with your Checker Wallet (such as if you experience a security breach related to your private key).
If you use third-party wallet software to manage your self-hosted user-generated Checker Wallet to manage or transfer your funds, you agree you are responsible for any risks or losses associated with the use of your chosen third-party wallet software.
Additionally, you are responsible for any expenses that may be incurred due to your use of your Checker Wallet, such as “gas” fees in order to make transactions with your Checker Wallet or any applicable taxes as a result of any transaction made using your Checker Wallet.
Additional Terms
To the extent you provide any ideas, suggestions, or other feedback regarding the Services (“Feedback”), you agree to release all rights, titles, and interests (such as intellectual property rights) in and to that Feedback. As the Checker project is permissively licensed under open-source licenses to allow the community to build on its code freely, you further agree that any such Feedback may be made available under the MIT/Apache 2.0 dual open source license.
You may have access to third-party websites and webpages through the Services, and you take full responsibility for your use of those third-party sites which fall outside the scope and control of the Services.
The Services are provided “AS IS,” without any offer of warranty or guarantee, either express or implied (including quality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose).
Acceptable Use
You acknowledge that content violating our Acceptable Use policy uploaded, stored, or retrieved through the Services may be refused, removed, or disabled without any compensation to you if this occurs. Such content includes:
- scams, spam, and server misuse (like viruses, phishing/spoofing content, spam, or content creating an undue burden on the Services or underlying networks);
- content infringing on intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights of others;
- unlawful obscene content; content soliciting unlawful services; child sexual abuse material or terrorist content; or
- content reasonably likely to cause or increase the risk of harm to any persons/groups.
If you encounter content that violates this Acceptable Use policy through the Services (e.g., spam/phishing content or your unauthorized copyrighted content), please reach out to us at, making sure to include the relevant CID or URL. If your complaint is copyright-related, please make sure your DMCA Notice meets the requirements for a valid DMCA takedown request.